Opportunity for Health

The American Dream

Our country’s unique ideal is centered around economic opportunity—the idea that anyone can rise up in social class, regardless of their background. However, for many, the American Dream has faded away in recent years. For others, it was never a reality. Our work examines how economic opportunity shapes our health and how health, in turn, drives opportunity. Our goal is to identify policies that can boost opportunity and improve health for all Americans.

Our Mission

More Opportunity, Better Health.

We are dedicated to understanding how the American Dream affects America’s health, and identifying ways to help bolster both economic opportunity and health. To do so, we conduct cutting-edge research using advanced statistical techniques and new data on economic opportunity—and the events and policies that shape it—to achieve these goals. The takeaway?

Policies that promote economic opportunity improve health outcomes. And policies that improve health boost economic opportunity.

We aim to work closely with researchers, policymakers, and leaders in industry to turn our research into action.

🗞️OfH lab member @AditiVasan was recently featured in @nytimes !!

Her qualitative work cited in this NYT article highlights the lived experiences of WIC participants, including the various barriers that exist to WIC participation.

NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/17/well/wic-food-choice.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&tgrp=ctr&pvid=5E4162D3-FEB8-4A07-A8A1-7A909318512B